Maggie Cumetti
Name, Age, Weight-class?
I’m Maggie Cumetti and I’m 22 years old. I’m competing in the 63kg weight category.
Where do you train currently?
I train at Club Gros-Bill in Laprairie.
How did you get introduced to weightlifting, how long and when did you start?
Back in 2010 when I was in High School at La Magdeleine, Weightlifting was an class option we could choose instead of Arts, Dance or Theatre, which weren’t my type at all. At first, I started lifting for fun, but I ended up doing Provincial competitions and it became a passion quickly.
When was your first weightlifting competition, what did you total?
My first competition was back in 2011, I was 16 years old and I did around 70kg total. Wow, I feel like I’m an old weightlifter now!
What are your most notable achievements in weightlifting and other sports?
So far, I would say my 3rd place, bronze medal in the 63kg at the 2015 Canadian Senior Championships in Mississauga was my best achievement. If we forget about performance and numbers, my injury comeback is now definitely my greatest and most notable achievement.
What do you do outside of training (work, studies, activities, favorite hobbies)?
I’ve been completely lost for quite a few years for everything besides Weightlifting. I’ve worked many years in the Corporate Customer Service for Telus and for now I’m a part time Medical Secretary at the McGill University Health Care in Montreal.
I have finally found my path recently because of my brother. He introduced me to Naturopathy and we are now both studying it at Collège des Médecines Douces du Quebec.
Do you have any specific goals you would like to share?
As an athlete, we all have that Olympic Dream. As for myself, I do wish to participate at an Olympic Game too, but if can represent my country at the Senior World Championships in 2018 and the 2019 Pan American Games is definitely a huge achievement for me.
What are some challenges you have to face as an athlete?
I’d say the biggest challenge as an athlete is injury. No matter how bad you want to succeed, injuries will always be part of the game and we have to face them no matter how big or small they are. My shoulder dislocation back in February was very challenging for me because it shows how much mental strength is needed in this specific situation. To start all over, from lifting your max overhead back down to the bar, and come back stronger again takes a lot of mind power. If you can outcome this challenge with a load of positivity, in my opinion, you can face anything.
Some tips and advice you can give to athletes?
We are all humans. Don’t be afraid to fail, or get upset at yourself when you do. Enjoy the privilege of being able to train and being healthy, and the process will be so much better.
I also suggest to set a goal or dream, and stay inspired by it. To help achieve it, set small goals daily which will get you closer and closer to it each day and it will even help keep that little flame burning inside you. And mostly, do NOT give up in tough times, they are only there to make us indestructible!
Where can people find you on social media (Instagram, Facebook page, Twitter, YouTube etc)?
Instagram: Maggetti
Facebook: Maggie Marah Cumetti
Snapchat: Halteromag